Webinar Series – Fall/Winter 2020-21

Did you miss one or more of our much celebrated webinars of this fall/winter season?

No worries, you are invited to find hereunder the video recording. Recline your chair, play our videos full screen and get insights on the future of export controls, foreign investment screening and economic sanctions from experts from all around the world.

Export controls as an efficient tool in trade policies ? An overview of the recent developments in China and the US and their impact on global trade (partners).
Session #1/6 – 28 October 2020 at 3PMCET

During our spring webinars we have extensively discussed the strengthening of FDI screening regimes in the US and across Europe in order to safeguard strategic industries and technologies. Over the past few months export controls have however proven to be an efficient trade tool as well. The US Commerce Department has been very active in this respect: it added various companies to the BIS Entity List and amended the Foreign Direct Product Rule targeting Huawei and its many affiliates. China has reacted by enacting its new Export Control Law which will have extra-territorial reach and which will also include the possibility to issue reciprocal measures where other countries abuse their own export control measures. At the same time China released further details on its long-announced Unreliable Entity List. Our panelists will provide you with an overview of the recent and expected changes and will also discuss the broader impact of these measures on international trade.


  • Kay Georgi (Arent Fox LLP, Washington DC, US)
  • Deming Zhao (Global Law Offices, Beijing, China)
  • Bert Gevers (Loyens & Loeff, Brussels, Belgium)
  • Daniel Reisner (Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Tel Aviv, Israel)
The Biden presidency: the impact of a US election on export controls & sanctions
Session #2/6 – 28 October 2020 at CETPM 3.00

President Trump has proven to be an active user of export controls, sanctions, FDI screening and national security tools in the framework of its trade policy. China has often been targeted, but also close friends have been the target directly or indirectly. A panel of international experts will now look into the future of the Biden presidency. Will he continue the current policies? Will there be more alignment with the EU and other allies? Which sanctions regimes are likely to be altered? How will the Biden presidency affect (future) EU initiatives like the Blocking Regulation, Human Rights Sanctions or the updated Dual Use Regulation?


  • Timothy P. O’Toole (Miller & Chevalier, USA)
  • Marco Padovan (Studio Legale Padovan, Italy)
  • Gerard Kreijen (Loyens & Loeff, Netherlands)
  • Daniel Reisner (Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Israel)